Applied Research Facility

The Applied Research Facility was dedicated as the United States Bureau of Mines Rare and Precious Metals Experiment Station on Sept. 25, 1954. The facility was acquired by the University in 1996-97, following a decision by Congress to eliminate the U.S. Bureau of Mines as the nation's lead agency for mineral resources. Today, the facility is home to an eclectic gathering of research and outreach endeavors on campus, including the Center for Environmental Sciences and Engineering, the Great Basin Institute, the Brain Computation Laboratory, the Biomedical Engineering Program, Microbiology and Nevada Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE). Building Code: ARF Building Number: 090 Map Grid: E5

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The Applied Research Facility was dedicated as the United States Bureau of Mines Rare and Precious Metals Experiment Station on Sept. 25, 1954. The facility was acquired by the University in 1996-97, following a decision by Congress to eliminate the U.S. Bureau of Mines as the nation's lead agency for mineral resources. Today, the facility is home to an eclectic gathering of research and outreach endeavors on campus, including the Center for Environmental Sciences and Engineering, the Great Basin Institute, the Brain Computation Laboratory, the Biomedical Engineering Program, Microbiology and Nevada Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE).

Building Code: ARF

Building Number: 090

Map Grid: E5

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