2701 E. Harris Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89101

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This seven-week parenting program is designed to encourage and teach parents how to be positive forces on their children’s early STEM-learning.  The weekly class features reading and fun, hands-on learning activities that are focused on encouraging children’s interest in science, technology, engineering and math. Benefits of this program include: 

•    Helping children learn and practice STEM skills
•    Increasing children's independence
•    Creating quality time with children
•    Building an interest in STEM

For families with children ages 3-5


Free and open to the public, however registration is required.

For more information please contact the instructor Olga Soto at 702 257-5567 or sotoo@unr.edu.  To register, please contact Ms. Sulma Coria at 702 799-8360 ext. 3336


Presented in partnership with the Family Engagement Office-Clark County School District.

If you require a reasonable accommodation in order to participate in this event, please contact Olga Soto, at least 14 days prior to the scheduled event at 702-257-5567 or at the email above.

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