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Join the University Libraries' @One Digital Media and Technology Center team Friday, April 5, from 3 p.m. - 5 p.m. on the first floor of the Mathewson-IGT Knowledge Center inside the Wells Fargo Auditorium as they hosts their annual campus-wide XR Meet-Up event.

The event showcases a wide-range of departmental VR/AR research being done across the University campus and consists of lightning-round faculty presentations followed by refreshments and hands-on demos in the @One's @Reality VR Studio located on the first floor of the Mathewson-IGT Knowledge Center.

This year’s presenters include:

Eelke Folmer -- Computer Science & Engineering

Jacqueline Snow -- Psychology Department

Alireza Kamran Pishhesari -- Mining & Metallurgical Engineering

Paul Macneilage -- Psychology Department, Cognitive and Brain Sciences

Dave Maass -- Reynolds School of Journalism

Howard Goldbaum -- Reynolds School of Journalism

Tyler Calklin-Low -- School of Arts

Levi Scully -- Computer Science & Engineering

University Libraries' @Reality team

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